Become the Practice Your Patients Seek

If you're ready to become the practice your patients seek, download the e-book to learn more or schedule a strategy call with our team and we'll show you exactly where to start today.

The problem with chiropractic marketing agencies

Here's the ugly truth about being a chiropractic marketing agency: We're all trying to get the same attention for our clients, and we all have the same tools in our toolbox to get the job done. If an agency tells you they have a "secret-sauce" and their proprietary system can guarantee you "x" number of leads in how ever many days, blah blah blah... just run.

I'm not saying that we are all created equal. There are good and there are bad agencies out there. Some will be better than others at some things, but the thing you need to know is, we are all using the same tactics. There is no magic button in marketing and I'll tell you now, you should stop looking for it.

The thing that agencies are struggling with right now is the same as you; it's differentiation. So we're all trying to find new ways to sell the same stuff, resulting in empty promises and unmet expectations. We're guilty of that too. But the truth is, there are a lot of marketing channels that work well. Some are better than others, none of them magic.

I have put a lot of thought into the way we do things at ChiroPraise - to deliver better service for our clients, and to help us grow our business. At the end of the day, that's all that matters. I started this business because chiropractic care changed my life. Our purpose is to grow our clients practices not to sell them services. As I sat and thought about the state of our industry, and how we could make more of an impact for our clients, only one idea made sense: building a practice that patients seek.

How to build the practice your patients seek

To be clear, this isn't some proprietary system or secret-sauce marketing tactic. It's the simple philosophy that the busiest practices are those with the best reputations. Your patients are people, and people choose providers they trust. To become trusted, you must prioritize marketing channels that enhance reputation, visibility, and trust.

The one buying behavior we all share

I'm going to take a stab at guessing your answer to the thought experiment above.

When choosing which gym you'd like to go to, you first recalled any information you have about the gyms in your area. Maybe it's the gym you already go to, maybe it's the one you drive by on the way to work, or maybe it's the one the most fit person you know goes to. We all do this. We start with what we know and weigh it against what we don't. It tells us what information we need to find. Then, we all do the same thing: We look for a trusted advisor.

You may reach out to that fit friend and ask where they go, but in many cases that trusted advisor is Google. In fact, studies show that online reviews hold nearly as much weight as a friend's recommendation. Even if you had the gym in mind, chances are you would do your research and look it up before you find yourself at their front desk signing up for a membership. So, you go to your phone, search "gyms near me" and you do the thing we all do when selecting a local service provider.

The algebra looks something like this: You first look at the star rating (Anything below a 4 is a no). Then you look at the number of reviews (4.5 stars with 1K reviews is better than a 5 stars with 10). You quickly create a shortlist of viable options. Then, you dig a little deeper. What do the negative reviews say? What do the photos look like? How close is it to me? You do this until you have about 2-3 comparable options, and when you're comparing apples-to-apples the decision usually comes down to proximity, price, and brand.

How'd I do?

The right channels, at the right time


Start by building your online reputation, so that anyone who finds you sees you are a trusted practice.


Once you have established a good reputation, increase local visibility and brand awareness for your practice.


Once you are getting consistent patient flow, leverage patient trust by turning loyal patients into promoters.

Reputation: Make it your top priority

Before your prospects call or book an appointment, they're checking Google to determine which practices they'll even consider. If you're not prominent there, you're not making their list.

We enhance your reputation by optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP), ensuring it has all the information patients need, then increasing positive ratings to make you a standout option.

We also apply SEO to your webpages to boost visibility for for the top service-related services in your market.

Ready to build your reputation?

We believe in the power of reputation, and we want to prove it to you. Sign up for our SEO services today, and we'll optimize your GBP for FREE. Experience the impact of a positive online reputation on your practice.

Visibility: Connecting reputation and brand

Many think paid advertising is just Facebook or Google ads. We see these as entry points. The real value lies in the entire funnel. A well-crafted funnel ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Alternatively, event marketing creates an emotional connection with your prospects. Events like our Dinner with Doc™ service help form these connections while generating new patient opportunities.

Ready to increase your visibility?

If you're ready to boost your visibility, we're here to help. Whether it's building a great funnel or engaging through event marketing, we'll ensure you succeed.

Engage your community. Grow your practice.

Dinner with Doc™ is a great way to connect with potential new patients through a community dinner event. Guests enjoy a meal and a presentation on a topic you choose, concluding with a call to action to sign multiple new patients. We are offering a 50% discount on our Dinner with Doc™ service so you can try it and see its impact.

Trust: Turning patients into promoters

Word-of-mouth is powerful. Our referral programs turn your patients into advocates, encouraging them to refer friends and family. By implementing a incentivized referral system, we help you grow your practice through trusted recommendations.

Leverage the satisfaction of your current patients to expand your reach and solidify your reputation in the community.

Ready to build lasting trust?

Referral programs strengthen relationships and improve patient retention rates. Leverage your existing patients to grow your practice and build trust within your community.

A look at our trusted promoters

"I just feel so grateful for the opportunity to experience it for myself. Every time I do a Dinner with Doc™ event, I get so excited about the impact we are having on these people's lives. I believe these events are one of the best ways to have a bigger impact on your community and really get you excited about why we chose to be doctors of chiropractic in the first place."

“As a client for a number of years, I can say that my investment in ChiroPraise has been truly successful. They have consistently outperformed expectations. Do yourself, and your business, a favor and invest in what ChiroPraise is doing for chiropractors.”

"ChiroPraise is my ambassador of all things outreach. Thank you to the entire team for elevating our presence and ultimately helping us reach our community with our primary message!”

“I'm not sure what you did or had to do to get me going again, but we were close to shutting down, then you took over and now we are busier than we can handle. Even my old marketing guy can't believe the results. He couldn't get it to work and you guys did. I am so thankful.”

Ready to build the practice your patients seek?

If you're ready to start building a practice that is sought after by patients, we’re ready to help. We want to partner with practices that are willing to invest in their growth and make a lasting impact in their community.

Download the e-book to learn more or schedule a strategy call with our team and we'll show you exactly where to start today.

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